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姓 名:周玉


性 别:男



职 称:教授









项目主要研究成果在Biosensors & Bioelectronics(IF = 7.780), Analytica Chimica Acta(IF = 4.950),Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical(IF = 5.401)和Food Chemistry(IF = 4.529)等国际权威SCI刊物发表研究论文40余篇。其中影响因子7.0以上的有9篇,影响因子4.0以上的有20篇。论文发表后持续受到国内外同行的关注。研究成果被其他科学家先后在Chemical Society Reviews (IF=33.383),Theranostics (IF=8.022),Nanoscale (IF=7.394)和ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF=6.723)等著名期刊他引500余次。单篇他引最高98次。



2002.09—2005.07 吉林大学畜牧兽医学院 攻读博士

1996.09—2000.07 军需大学基础部 攻读硕士

1989.09—1993.07 华中农业大学水产学院 攻读学士


2009.09— 至今 吉林大学人兽共患病研究所 教 授

2004.07—2009.09 吉林大学人兽共患病研究所 副教授

1999.07—2004.07 军需大学畜牧兽医学院 讲 师

1993.07—1999.07 军需大学畜牧水产系 助 教


(1)JOJ Biosensors and Bioelectronics编辑

(2)《Biosensors and Bioelectronics》,《Food Chemistry》, 《Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology》等十余家SCI期刊审稿人








重点包括:Nano-technology, Rapid and ultrasensitive detection of, Antigen-antibody, Enzyme-based Biosensors, Probe, ELISA, Immunochromatographic assay, Immunomagnetic beads, Nanoparticle.


1.以广谱单链抗体(ScFv)为探针筛检水环境及水产品中中毒性藻毒素 30771657 国家自然科学基金 2008-2010主持、结题

2.基于重组抗体的水环境中痕量重金属高通量检测技术研究 60971011 国家自然科学基金2010-2012主持、结题

3.基于多价免疫生物传感器的原料乳中多种蛋白免高通量检测新方法研究61171022 国家自然科学基金2012-2015主持、结题

4.纳米金粒子介导的复合探针的设计合成及其在多环芳烃分析检测中的应用研究61571208 国家自然科学基金2016-2019主持

5.基于抗体-酶双标记纳米金的食品及水环境多环芳烃检测技术研究20140101012JC 吉林省科技厅项目2014-2016主持、结题

6.食品中荧蒽、芘免疫层析试纸条的研制20170101192JC 吉林省科技厅项目2017-2019主持

7.基于金纳米粒子免疫生物传感器的水环境中痕量重金属检测识别及系统实现4305050102J9 吉林大学人才跟进计划2010-2012主持、结题

8.半抗原水生生物毒素快速检测技术研究430505010276吉林大学博士科研启动 2006-2008主持、结题



  1. Yu Zhou*, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Qing-Feng Shen, Shi-Ying Lu, Hong-Lin Ren, Yan-Song Li, Zeng-Shan Liu, Feng-Guang Pan, Xian-Mei Meng, Jun-Hui Zhang. Development of a novel antibody probe useful for domoic acid detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009, 24 (10): 3159-3163. [IF = 7.780]

  2. Yu Zhou*, Feng-Guang Pan, Yan-Song Li, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Jun-Hui Zhang, Shi-Ying Lu, Hong-Lin Ren, Zeng-Shan Liu. Colloidal gold probe-based immunochromatographic assay for the rapid detection of brevetoxins in fishery product samples. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009, 24 (8): 2744-2747. [IF = 7.780]

  3. Yu Zhou, Yan-Song Li, Feng-Guang Pan, Zeng-Shan Liu, Zhe Wang*. Identification of tetrodotoxin antigens and a monoclonal antibody. Food Chemistry, 2009, 112 (3): 582-586. [IF 2009 =3.146]. [IF = 4.529]

  4. Yu Zhou*, Yuan-yuan Zhang, Feng-guang Pan, Yan-song Li, Shi-ying Lu, Hong-lin Ren, Qing-feng Shen, Zhao-hui Li, Jun-hui Zhang, Zeng-shan Liu. A competitive immunochromatographic assay based on a novel probe for the detection of mercury (II) ions in water samples. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010, 25 (11): 2534-2538. [IF = 7.780]

  5. Yu Zhou*, Yan-Song Li, Feng-Guang Pan, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Jun-Hui Zhang, Shi-Ying Lu, Hong-Lin Ren, Zeng-Shan Liu.Development of a new monoclonal antibody based direct competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of brevetoxins in food samples. Food Chemistry, 2010, 118 (2): 467-471. [IF = 4.529]

  6. Yu Zhou*, Yan-song Li, Shi-ying Lu, Hong-lin Ren, Zhao-hui Li, Yuan-yuan Zhang, Feng-guang Pan, Wen-sen Liu, Jun-hui Zhang, Zeng-shan Liu. Gold nanoparticle probe based immunoassay as a new tool for tetrodotoxin detection in puffer fish tissues. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2010, 146 (1): 368-372. [IF = 5.401]

  7. Yu Zhou*, Yan-Song Li, Bai-Hui Zhi, Shi-Ying Lu, Hong-Lin Ren, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Zhao-Hui Li, Qing-Feng Shen, Xian-Mei Meng, Zeng-Shan Liu, Jun-Hui Zhang, Ya-Ming Hao, Wen-Di Liu, Dong-Ming Yan. Detection of nodularin based on a monoclonal antibody in water and aquatic fish samples. Food Control, 2011, 22 (5): 797-800. [IF = 3.496]

  8. Yu Zhou*, Xiang-Li Tian, Yan-Song Li, Feng-Guang Pan, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Jun-Hui Zhang, Li Yang, Xin-Rui Wang, Hong-Lin Ren, Shi-Ying Lu,Zhao-Hui Li, Qi-Jun Chen, Zeng-Shan Liu, Jing-Qiu Liu. An enhanced ELISA based on modified colloidal gold nanoparticles for the detection of Pb(II). Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2011, 26 (8): 3700-3704. [IF = 7.780]

  9. Yu Zhou*, Xiang-Li Tian, Yan-Song Li, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Li Yang, Jun-Hui Zhang, Xin-Rui Wang, Shi-Ying Lu, Hong-Lin Ren, Zeng-Shan Liu.A versatile and highly sensitive probe for Hg(II), Pb(II) and Cd(II) detection individually and totally in water samples. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2011, 30 (1): 310-314. [IF = 7.780]

  10. Yu Zhou*, Yan-Song Li, Xiang-Li Tian, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Li Yang, Jun-Hui Zhang, Xin-Rui Wang, Shi-Ying Lu, Hong-Lin Ren, Zeng-Shan Liu. Enhanced ultrasensitive detection of Cr (III) using 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid (TNBA) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) dually modified gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2012, 161 (1): 1108-1113. [IF = 5.401]

  11. Yu Zhou*, Tian Xiang-Li, Li Yan-Song, Zhang Yuan-Yuan, Li Zhao-Hui, Yang Li, Zhang Jun-Hui, Wang Xin-Rui, Meng Xian-Mei, Liu Jing-Qiu. Development of a multi-component chemically reactive detection conjugate for the determination of Hg(II) in water samples. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012, 724: 98-103. [IF = 4.950]

  12. Yu Zhou*, Chun-Yuan Li, Yan-Song Li, Hong-Lin Ren, Shi-Ying Lu, Xiang-Li Tian, Ya-Ming Hao, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Qing-Feng Shen, Zeng-Shan Liu, Xian-Mei Meng, Jun-Hui Zhang. Monoclonal antibody based inhibition ELISA as a new tool for the analysis of melamine in milk and pet food samples. Food Chemistry. 2012, 135, 2681-2686 [IF = 4.529]

  13. Yu Zhou*, Xiang-Li Tian, Yan-Song Li, Feng-Guang Pan, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Jun-Hui Zhang, Xin-Rui Wang, Hong-Lin Ren, Shi-Ying Lu, Zhao-Hui Li, Zeng-Shan Liu, Qi-Jun Chen, Jing-Qiu Liu. Development of a monoclonal antibody-based sandwich-type enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of abrin in food samples. Food Chemistry 2012, 135, 2661-2665. [IF = 4.529]

  14. Yu Zhou*, Yan-Song Li, Xing-Yu Meng, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Li Yang, Jun-Hui Zhang, Xin-Rui Wang, Shi-Ying Lu, Hong-Lin Ren, Zeng-Shan Liu. Development of an immunochromatographic strip and its application in the simultaneous determination of Hg(II), Cd(II) and Pb(II). Sensors and Actuators B 183 (2013) 303-309. [IF = 5.401]

  15. Y. Zhou*, F. Song, Y.S. Li, J.Q. Liu, S.Y. Lu, H.L. Ren, Z.S. Liu, Y.Y. Zhang, L. Yang, Z.H. Li, J.H. Zhang, X.R. Wang. Double-antibody based immunoassay for the detection of β-casein in bovine milk samples. Food Chemistry 2013, 141 (1): 167-173. [IF = 4.529]

  16. Y. Zhou*, Y.S. Li, X.Y. Meng, Y.Y. Zhang, L. Yang, Z.H. Li, J.H. Zhang, X.R. Wang, J.Q. Liu, S.Y. Lu, H.L. Ren, P. Hu, Z.S. Liu. Production of a monoclonal antibody and development of an immunoassay for detection of Cr(III) in water samples. Chemosphere 2013, 93 (10): 2467-2472. [IF = 4.208]

  17. F. Song, Y. Zhou*, Y.S. Li, X.M. Meng, X.Y. Meng, J.Q. Liu, S.Y. Lu, H.L. Ren, P.Hu, Z.S. Liu, Y. Zhang, J.H. Zhang. A rapid immunomagnetic beads-based immunoassay for the detection of β-casein in bovine milk. Food Chemistry 158 (C)(2014) 445–448. [IF = 4.529]

  18. Y.S. Li, Y. Zhou*, X.Y. Meng, Y.Y. Zhang, F. Song, S.Y. Lu, H.L. Ren, P. Hu, Z.S. Liu, J.H. Zhang. Gold nanoparticle aggregation-based colorimetric assay for β-casein detection in bovine milk samples. Food Chemistry 162 (2014) 22–26. [IF = 4.529]

  19. Y.S. Li, Y. Zhou*, X.Y. Meng, Y.Y. Zhang, J.Q. Liu, Y. Zhang, N.N. Wang, P. Hu, S.Y. Lu, H.L. Ren, Z.S. Liu. Enzyme-antibody dual labeled gold nanoparticles probe for ultrasensitive detection of κ-casein in bovine milk samples. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 61(2014) 241–244. [IF = 7.780]

  20. Yansong Li, Shiying Lu, Zengshan Liu, Lihui Sun, Junfei Guo, Pan Hu, Junhui Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Yang Wang, Honglin Ren, Xingyu Meng, Yu. Zhou*. A monoclonal antibody based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Phenylethanolamine A in tissue of swine. Food Chemistry 167 (2015) 40-44. [IF = 4.529]

  21. Meng, X.Y., Li, Y.S., Zhou, Y*., Zhang, Y.Y., Yang, L., Qiao, B., Wang, N.N., Hu, P., Lu, S.Y., Ren, H.L., Liu, Z.S., Zhang, J.H., Wang, X.R., An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of pyrene and related polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Analytical Biochemistry 473 (2015) 1-6. [IF = 2.243]

  22. Y.S. Li, X.Y. Meng, Y. Zhou*, Y.Y. Zhang, X.M. Meng, L. Yang, P. Hu, S.Y. Lu, H.L. Ren, Z.S. Liu, X.R. Wang. Magnetic bead and gold nanoparticle probes based immunoassay for β-casein detection in bovine milk samples. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2015, 66 (C): 559-564. [IF = 7.780]

  23. X.Y. Meng; Y.S. Li; Y. Zhou*, Y.Y. Zhang; B. Qiao; Y. Sun; L. Yang; P. Hu; S.Y. Lu; H.L. Ren; J.H. Zhang; X.R. Wang; Z.S. Liu. Real-time immuno-PCR for ultrasensitive detection of pyrene and other homologous PAHs. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2015, 70 (C): 42-47. [IF = 7.780]

  24. X.Y. Meng, Y.S. Li, Y. Zhou*, Y. Sun, B. Qiao, C.C. Si, P. Hu, S.Y. Lu, H.L. Ren, Z.S. Liu, H.J. Qiu, J.Q. Liu. An improved RT-IPCR for detection of pyrene and related polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 78 (2016) 194–199. [IF = 7.780]

  25. Yu Sun, Yansong Li, Xianmei Meng, Xingyu Meng, Bin Qiao, Zhaozhao Si, Pan Hu, Shiying Lu, Honglin Ren, Zengshan Liu, Ying Zhang, Lei Meng, Yu Zhou*. Magnetic nanoparticles-phenanthrene conjugates (MNPs-Phe) probe based competitive chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay (MNPs-icCLEIA) for phenanthrene and other homologous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Sensors and Actuators B 252 (2017) 633–640. [IF = 5.401]

  26. Bin Qiao,Yansong Li, Xingyu Meng, Yu Sun , Pan Hu, Shiying Lu, Honglin Ren, Zengshan Liu, Yu Zhou*. Development of an indirect competitive ELISA for the detection of acenaphthene and pyrene. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 2017, 1-12. [IF = 1.392]



    1. 柳增善,任洪林,卢士英,周玉,孟宪梅,李岩松,李兆辉,于师宇,张俊辉,李岩东,任立松,王颖,饶星。食品污染物免疫学快速检测技术基础研究,吉林省科学技术进步二等奖(编号:2010J20029)。

    2. 于光,柳增善,卢士英,周玉,李岩松,任洪林,张代辉,霍方珍。食品中大田软海绵酸单克隆抗体免疫学检测方法研究”,吉林出入境检验检疫局科技兴检三等奖(证书号:2007-JL38-R04)。

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