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姓 名:吴志良


性 别:男



职 称:客座教授








吴志良男,1961. 08生,医学博士。现任吉林大学人兽共患病研究所客座教授,日本国立岐阜大学医学部助理教授/讲师,日本寄生虫学会会员。一直从事旋毛虫及旋毛虫病,隐孢子虫,Blastocystis方面的研究工作,在旋毛虫基础研究领域尤其是旋毛虫功能基因的克隆与鉴定居世界前沿水平。在国际期刊发表学术论文70余篇(其中SCI收录40余篇,第一作者的文章30余篇。总影响因子110分以上)。1982年毕业于苏州医学院,1987年获北京医科大学(现北京大学医学部)医学硕士学位,1999年获日本岐阜大学医学博士学位,研究方向为寄生虫免疫学及分子生物学。1987年至1994年在浙江医科大学(现浙江大学医学部)任助教,讲师,副教授,主要从事血吸虫病的研究工作。自1994年起至今在日本岐阜大学医学部一直从事旋毛虫及旋毛虫病研究工作,现任日本岐阜大学医学部寄生虫学系助理教授/讲师(Assistant Professor/Lecturer, Department of Parasitology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine, Yanagido 1-1, Gifu 501-1194, Japan.)。先后主持与参与旋毛虫病方面的研究基金课题10项:其中日本文部科学省基金4项、日本厚生省基金1项,岐阜大学基金5项。国际基因库(Genbank)注册旋毛虫功能性基因90余条。国际发明专利2项。先后出任Int J Parasitol., Exp. Parasitol.、Vet Parasitol., Parasitol Res., Infection, Genetics and Evolution,PJES等多种国际杂志审稿人。



1979-1982 Sozhou Medical College, China

1984-1987 Department of Parasitology, Beijing Medical University, Medical Master Degree, China

1994-1999 Department of Parasitology, Gifu University, Medical Doctor Degree, Japan

Research and Professional Experience

1982-1984 Physician, Wujiang CDC, China

1987-1994 Research Assistant, Lecturer, Associate Professor

Department of Parasitology, Zhejiang Medical University, China

1999-present Assistant Professor, Department of Parasitology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan


先后出任Int J Parasitol., Exp. Parasitol.、Vet Parasitol., Parasitol Res., Infection, Genetics and Evolution,PJES等多种国际杂志审稿人。







1. Nagano I, Wu Z, Takahashi Y. Functional genes and proteins of Trichinella spp. Parasitol Res. 2009 Jan;104(2):197-207.

2. Wu Z, Nagano I, Kajita K, Nishina M, Takahashi Y. Hypoglycaemia induced by Trichinella infection is due to the increase of glucose uptake in infected muscle cells. Int J Parasitol. 2009 Mar;39(4):427-34.

3. Wu Z, Sofronic-Milosavljevic Lj, Nagano I, Takahashi Y. Trichinella spiralis: nurse cell formation with emphasis on analogy to muscle cell repair. Parasit Vectors. 2008 Aug 19;1(1):27.

4. Wu Z, Nagano I, Takahashi Y. Candidate genes responsible for common and different pathology of infected muscle tissues between Trichinella spiralis and T. pseudospiralis infection. Parasitol Int. 2008 Sep;57(3):368-78.

5. Nagano I, Wu Z, Takahashi Y. Species-specific antibody responses to the recombinant 53-kilodalton excretory and secretory proteins in mice infected with Trichinella spp. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2008 Mar;15(3):468-73.

6. Wu Z, Snabel V, Pozio E, Hurnikova Z, Nareaho A, Nagano I, Takahashi Y. Genetic relationships among Trichinella pseudospiralis isolates from Australian, Nearctic, and Palearctic regions. Parasitol Res. 2007 Nov;101(6):1567-73.

7. Wu Z, Nagano I, Boonmars T, Takahashi Y. Thermally induced and developmentally regulated expression of a small heat shock protein in Trichinella spiralis. Parasitol Res. 2007 Jun;101(1):201-12.

8. HISAO YOSHIKAWA, ZHILIANG WU, JOSEPHINE HOWE, TETSUO HASHIMOTO, NG, GEOK-CHOO, and KEVIN S. W. TAN Ultrastructural and Phylogenetic Studies on Blastocystis Isolates from Cockroaches. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 54(1), 2007 pp. 33–37

9. Wu Z, Nagano I, Boonmars T, Takahashi Y. Involvement of the c-Ski oncoprotein in cell cycle arrest and transformation during nurse cell formation after Trichinella spiralis infection. Int J Parasitol. 2006 Sep;36(10-11):1159-66.

10.Nagano I, Wu Z, Takahashi Y. Molecular cloning and characterization of an Rcd1-like protein in excretory-secretory products of Trichinella pseudospiralis. Parasitology. 2006 Aug 10;:1-8

11.Wu, Z., Nagano, I., Boonmars, T. and Takahashi, Y.: A spectrum of functional genes mobilized afterTrichinella spiralisinfected skeletal muscle. Parasitology 130: 561-573, 2005

12.Wu, Z., Nagano, I., Boonmars, T. and Takahashi, Y.: Tumor necrosis factor receptor-mediated apoptosis inTrichinella spiralisinfected muscle cells. Parasitology 131:373-81, 2005

13.Wu. Z. & Takahashi, Y. DNA polymorphism and taxonomy ofTrichinella. In Asian Parasitology, pp267-272, The Federation of Asian Parasitogists, 2005

14.Boonmars, T., Wu, Z., Nagano, I. & Takahashi, Y. What is the role of p53 during the cyst formation of Trichinella spiralis ? A comparable study between knockout mice and wild type mice. Parasitology 2005, 131:705-12.

15.Boonmars, T., Wu, Z., Nagano, I. & Takahashi, Y.Trichinellapseudospiralisinfection is characterized by more continuous and diffuse myopathy than T.spiralisinfection. Parasitology Research 97:13-20, 2005

16.Nakada, T., Nagano, I., Wu, Z. & Takahashi, Y. Molecular cloning and functional expression of enolase fromTrichinellaspiralis. Parasitology Research 96:354-60, 2005



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