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Set a Good Example and be the Leading Goat Theme Education activity organized by The Student Party Branch of the Institute of Zoonosis ​

release date: 2020-10-31 read:

Set a Good Example and be the Leading Goat

Theme Education activity organized by The Student Party Branch of the Institute of Zoonosis

In order to celebrate the 98th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, strengthen the sense of honor, responsibility and mission of student party members, on October 31, the student party branch of the Institute of Zoonosis of the School of Veterinary Medicine launched the "Seven One" theme activity. The meeting was presided over by Secretary Li Zhaohui of the Party branch of doctoral students.

At the meeting, first, all party members solemnly raised their right hands to the party flag to review the oath of party membership, and strengthened their determination and faith to follow the party forever.

To learn from the models around you and feel the power of role models, the party branch specially invited Professor Li Jianhua, the leader of the Ten Thousand Talents Program, to tell her growth story and exchange learning experiences. Professor Li Jianhua is a doctoral supervisor, who wins the title of leading talent in science and technology innovation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, outstanding talent in the new century of the Ministry of Education, Distinguished Professor of Changbai Mountain Scholar, the first batch of leading professors of disciplines in universities in Jilin Province, and young and middle-aged professional and technical talent with outstanding contributions in Jilin Province. She is engaged in the research of veterinary parasitic diseases and is a new generation of leading talents in the School of Veterinary Medicine of Jilin University.

Professor Li Jianhua first summarized the main problems faced by contemporary graduate students and offered solutions. She pointed out that student party members are a group of outstanding young talents and they need to set an example and take the lead. In scientific research, we must be proactive, hardworking, and constantly learn advanced experimental techniques to improve hands-on skills. In daily life, we must learn self-management and self-planning, and enhance team awareness, strengthen communication and cooperation. Student party members must also actively participate in the management of the laboratory, play an exemplary role, improve the efficiency of laboratory management, and create a comfortable and efficient scientific research environment for everyone. In addition, Students should strengthen the study of theoretical knowledge, be good at summarizing the fields you have learned and related knowledge, enrich your mind, make the results clear and orderly, communicate with the teacher in time when encountering difficulties, improve efficiency, and reduce complexity. Finally, Professor Li concluded that as graduate party members need to set small goals, work hard for the goals every day, read more literature in related fields, broaden our horizons, and further improve the level of scientific research.

  During the discussion session, all party members also communicated with Professor Li based on the scientific research problems they encountered. Professor Li combined her own experience to answer questions patiently and meticulously. She persuaded graduate party members to set an example for ordinary students.

  This event inspired the patriotism of party members, and they have a clearer understanding of their future life goals, so that they can devote themselves to the cause of the party and the people with greater enthusiasm.

All Rights: Jilin university institute of  Zoonosis, Jilin Unversity

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